Neuro Linguistic Programming Introduction, Diploma And Practitioner Package



This online entry level NLP Diploma course provides a thorough foundation of NLP skills and techniques for personal and professional growth. The courseware NLP happens to be one of the most advanced technologies for creating human change both in individuals and groups in Education, Business, Coaching, Sales, Therapy, and Sports Performance.

SKU: EC111962. Category: .

Product Description

This online entry level NLP Diploma course provides a thorough foundation of NLP skills and techniques for personal and professional growth. The courseware NLP happens to be one of the most advanced technologies for creating human change both in individuals and groups in Education, Business, Coaching, Sales, Therapy, and Sports Performance.

Courseware online course can help you learn how to feel great and much more. NLP happens to be one of the most advanced technologies for creating human change both in individuals and groups in Education, Business, Coaching, Sales, Therapy, Sports Performance and basically any area where human beings need to improve their own performance in life, work & business.

The Online Training Course Academy home study & online NLP practitioner certification course and found the content to be thorough, well-founded and excellently designed to provide a logical learning-journey that will stimulate learners wanting practical skills in NLP.

Is this course for me?
If you want to improve your entire life, from the smallest niggles to your greatest fears this course is for you. This Package covers both the basic/intermediate level entry NLP Course (Diploma) and the advanced Practitioner Levels.

This course will show you how to:
Get rid of negative feelings that have held you back for ages.
Improve your communicating skills to win more business, deliver better presentations and get your message across more clearly.
Read and use body language skills and see instant, amazing results.
Save £1,000′s to eliminate any phobias.
Improve your relationships everyone.
Feel great about yourself.
Love the future, not dread it.
Overcome your fears.

The online course will help you improving your confidence, motivation, relationships, busting through negative habits…
You will overcome any fear, presenting fears or the fear of spiders and helping other people too with coaching and developing a better understanding of how to use NLP language models for influencing and inspiring change in yourself and others.

It will help you discovered ways to get rid of negative feelings that held you back for years. It will guide you how to deal with difficult people, children, customers and much more.

It set practical well-formed outcomes, the key to getting what you want (NLP Present™).
Fine tune your senses, enables how to be more sensitive to your own needs, and to others.
The course builds and maintains rapport which is the key to successful relationships.
It creates your own personal state of excellence and maintain a resourceful state in others, the secret to personal success
The NLP Diploma enables to recognizes and use powerful language patterns to empower yourself and others.
Online course enhance your personal effectiveness in communicating with and relating to others
Influence, lead, empower and motivate.
It focus on gathering high quality information from people, and how to fully use it to achieve outcomes.
It empowers and make successful in your personal relationships
It enables you to be more persuasive and influential

Study Hours
Study hour is dependent upon the dedication and grasp towards the learning concepts mentioned in the course material. Furthermore, at the end of each lesson there is a question paper that needs to be completed and returned to the tutor.

All exam vouchers supplied with our courses must be used within the duration of your course. Exam Vouchers become invalid once the course has expired.


Module 1
Introduction to NLP (The foundations of NLP)
Presuppositions of NLP (Empowering Beliefs which will move you to action and get you unstuck)
Conscious and Unconscious Mind (Understand why your unconscious mind is where its happening and how to tap into your creative genius)
Sensory Acuity & Rapport (Learn how to build closer relationships and blow away the misconceptions of body language)
Representational Systems & Eye Accessing Cues (Why the eyes are the window to the soul and how to make sense of your world)
SMART Goal Setting (An extremely useful GOAL achieving model)
NLP Present Goal Setting (when combined with SMART (old world) the NLP Present (New World) model, you will start achieving what you want quickly)

Module 2
Temporal Interpolation
Practicing Interpolation
Copying & Pasting Keyframes
Creating a Loop & Changing the Animation Speed
Advanced Anchoring (Learn how to get rid of negative emotional states that have been haunting you or other people for years in just a few minutes)
Emotional Freedom with Anchoring (Stop being hooked and controlled by other people, feel great instead of down, feel empowered when speaking in public or going into an interview, make it so other people feel great being around you, trigger positive feelings at the click of your fingers in the blink of an eye and much more)
Intro to Neurolinguistics & Chunking (Learn and master language patterns that can help you become more influential and persuasive, learn to cut through the banter to get to the heart of a problem when coaching, interviewing or selling, make overwhelming challenges seem more managable and bearable when chunked down into bite sized tasks)

Module 1
Model Excellence
G.O.A.L.S (Getting On And Living Successfully)
Metaphors (Who are you?)
Watch the power of Submodalities at work
Park Reality before you begin
Law of Requisite Variety (Flexibility is Key)

Module 2
Five pillars of success
Phobia Model (Demonstration on Hemophobia Fear of Blood)
Think Feel Do (How we think inside)
Communication Model

Module 3
Eagle or chicken? (Stories for Change)
Body Sculpting (Rapport is a Key Element of Learning NLP)
Eye Accessing Cues
Modelling (Demonstration of Modelling)

Module 4
Well formed outcomes (Goal Setting Strategies)
SMART Methodology
Taking Responsibility

Bonus Material
Anchoring Basics
Values drive motivation, whats important to you ?
Submodalities your brains software for changing your future
The first model of NLP Meta Model

Plus Special Bonus
Radio Interview NLP for Formula 1 Drivers
Radio Phobia Demonstration with Globaphobic Paul Reason

Job Prospects
Become fully trained and substantially improve your chances of employment or earn more money!

Upon completion of the course, you can download the completion certificate as well as any other qualifications you have been awarded.

Interactive simulations
Feel like you are actually using the software you are being trained about in the added security of our learning environment.

Skills Assessments
Test yourself and receive a certificate online. Multiple choice or fill in the blanks style questioning helps you remember and learn.

Printable reference guides and exercises
Every chapter has its own hands on exercises for you to carry out to help you gain essential experience. You also have automatic glossary and search features to help you use the course as a ‘quick reference’ guide.

Course Completion Certificate

*Please note, unless stated otherwise or included in package, our online courses only offer course completion certificates ( £10 fee) and in all cases official testing (at a charge made by testing centre) is required to gain officially certified recognised qualifications.

Unless otherwise specified, official exams are not included.